Monday, March 8, 2010

First Motivation Monday!

Beginning any fitness program takes a lot of dedication and motivation. There are days you just don't want to FIT it in. The key is to find an activity you can't wait to do. Have you tried everything or a dabbled in a few fitness activities? If you do not like running you are not going to stick with it, find something else.
Your challenge is to give everything 2 weeks, if you don't like it at the end of 2 weeks pick a new activity.

Keep in mind it is important to do both strength training and cardio workouts. Some of your strength training can be incorporated in your sneaking it in with isometric exercises.

Here are some ideas of cardio workouts that you might not have tried yet. Who knows, you may have found something that you can't wait to do each day!

*mountain biking
*rock climbing
*circuit training (stay tuned as I post some circuits you can try at home-I love these!)

Join groups in your area, take a lesson through your community. Once you find your passion it makes it so much easier to FIT it in! Go try something new.

Jump rope or 'pretend' jump rope for 10 minutes today. This can easily be done while watching kids play outside or during your favorite tv show tonight. Any way you can find to do it, FIT it in!

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FITting it in will share amazing tips on how you can incorporate exercise and nutrition into your hectic and crazy life.
You're body won't know what hit it after you learn all the tricks of sneaking those exercises in during your day. In the car, at the store, through the house, walks around the block...
keep on reading, get hooked, and most importantly FIT it in!

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